Receiving Unexpected Call Ended Publication - Media API

I am facing an issue with the CloudLink Media API endpoints when controlling a call.

When making a direct inbound call to the endpoint via DID, then answering it (Media API), I receive an ‘ended’ state event from my subscription (Notifications API). The call has not ended and remains established. What’s odd is that I also get 2x ringing events.

When I compare the two ‘ended’ events, they are identical apart from the identifying information (publication ID etc). Please see the attached events received from Mitel, they are in the order I received them.

Happy to share the full Notification API payloads privately.

Hi Andrew,

Is the endpoint a Hunt/Ring Group similar to the scenario you describe here - Unable to Answer Calls to Non-Prime Line - Media API ?

Hi Budd

No. In this instance, I am dialing an external DID to reach the endpoint directly on its prime line. I am able to answer the call, the issue is I receive two ended events which throws my app off course because it thinks the call has ended.


For the benefit of other forum members, this issue was resolved in MiVB 10.1.

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