Make a call via miCollab.exe using VBA on Windows 10

HI everyone, tried many options but not working properly. Does anyone know how to call miCollab.exe passing the phone number to call as a parameter?

Try something like this…

Sub MakeMiCollabCall()
    Dim phoneNumber As String
    Dim miCollabPath As String
    Dim command As String
    ' Replace this with the full path to miCollab.exe
    miCollabPath = "C:\...\...\miCollab.exe"
    ' Set the phone number to call
    phoneNumber = "1234567890"  ' Replace with your desired number
    ' Construct the command string with phone number as parameter
    ' Adjust the format of the command if miCollab requires a specific syntax for passing parameters
    command = miCollabPath & " --call " & phoneNumber
    ' Call miCollab with Shell function
    Shell command, vbNormalFocus
End Sub