CloudLink gateway is missing from my "Integrations & Apps"


I am getting a 401 unauthorized when testing the Get Token API.
I am using API

Also, When I logged into account, I was not able to find the “CloudLink gateway” under “Integrations & Apps”

attaching the screen-cut for reference

I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Hi Samar

Your screenshot shows that your system is in the normal production environment while you are authenticating in the Mitel development environment. Try using

Is the problem with the missing CloudLink gateway still unresolved?

Hello luva68,

Thank you for responding.
In Postman, I was using the production Auth URL instead of the dev Auth URL, and after changing it, I was getting
“message”: “Account or partner matching: 385838462 not found”,
“error_description”: “Account or partner matching: 385838462 not found”,
“name”: “AccountNotFound”

This is my CURL request.(I’ve hidden the username and password.)

curl --location ‘
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’
–data-urlencode ‘username=
–data-urlencode 'password=
–data-urlencode ‘account_id=385838462’

Below is the screenshot of accounts (I used both accounts and received the same response).

Hi Samar

Mitel does have several environments. One is the development environment, which is used internally to develop and test new features before they are brought to the production environment. In your screenshot, you see your systems are in the production environment. Otherwise, the URL should be But in your Curl, you authenticate to the dev environment (‘ Please change your request to ‘ and let me know the outcome.


Hey Luva,

As suggested, I made the changes; however, they did not work for me. Here are the curl request and response. (have checked with both account IDs.)

curl --location ‘
–header ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’
–data-urlencode ‘grant_type=password’
–data-urlencode ‘username=
–data-urlencode 'password=

–data-urlencode ‘account_id=190098649’

GOT 401

“message”: “Invalid username or password”,
“error_description”: “Invalid username or password”,
“name”: “InvalidLoginCredentials”


Hi Samar

I guess you use the Miaccess credentials as username and password, but this doesn’t work for this authentication. Go to the account in question, select User Management/Users, and select your account. Be sure your account is an Account admin (if not, another account admin should change your rights). Fill in a username (best practice is to take your email address) and select “Reset CloudLink password.” You will now receive an email asking you to set your password.

Once you have set your username and password, try logging on to this account by browsing and using the credentials you just entered.

For the authentication, you must now use these credentials

Hey Luva,

Thank you for your help. After resting the password, I was able to generate a token.
Just one thing: the provided kink is not working

Hi Samar,

There is a typo in the URL; it should be :blush:. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey @luva68 ,

I received the token; however, when I try to see the call history, I receive the message “Unauthorized request.”

Below are my curl request and response.

curl --location ‘
–header ‘x-mitel-app: app=appName/appVersion;platform=os/osVersion;session=session-id;’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI0ODc0NTA4MjcvMjkwMTNmOWYtZTI2NS00NWVmLTg3YTktZDE5M2YwNmU5YjMzLzY3NmM0OTdmLTEwNDktNGUxNS05M2UwLTExNDYzMDA3YTFkNSIsInNjb3BlIjoicm9sZTpQQVJUTkVSX0FETUlOLHBvbGljeUlkOmU4MWQxN2M3LTE4M2UtNGM0ZS1hZTBiLTA2NDhhNGY0NzA3Mix2ZXI6Myx0eXBlOnVzZXIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uLnVzLWVhc3QtMS51cy5hcGkubWl0ZWwuaW8vY2xvdWRsaW5rIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE0Mzk2NTcxLCJleHAiOjE3MTQ0MDA0NTd9.sKmcHDs_YPwY77hEJGcT0qiw3075CfoHUgoy5ZVgN0g’


“message”: “Unauthorized request.”

Where can I get the values of “x-mitel-app”, “applicationId,” and “session-id”?
