API Program Updates - April 23

The Mitel team is putting a lot of work right now into infrastructure for the API program, and since no one outside of Mitel cares how cool the logging tools we’re building for the Support team are, I’ve decided to move to a bi-weekly update schedule for the API Program moving forward to ensure that we have enough relevant news to provide you all with.

Here’s whats new and what’s coming soon:

  • The Conversation API Guide has been published, providing an overview of how chat is structured and walking you through how to build a basic conversation.
  • One of the exciting parts of this early phase of the API program, is that the team here is still learning all kinds of things about the APIs. One thing that we have discovered and will be outlined in a future Media API Guide is that when working with a MiVO400 you will want to make use of the /endpoint path, since the /calls path is primarily for cloud PBX operations that aren’t fully available yet. Here’s a forum topic where this was originally brought up by @arne - Getting a single conversation
  • V1.5 of the Postman library will be released next week to address some minor issues reported by partners in the field.
  • A Mitel compatibility matrix is in the works, outlining which APIs are supported on which PBX’s and applications. Expect to see that on the Developer Portal sometime in the next few weeks.